Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient practice, having been used in Asia for more than 2,000 years. TCM is a comprehensive system comprised of a range of traditional therapies including, but not limited to: acupuncture or acupressure (the use of needles or pressure to stimulate therapeutic points on the body), moxibustion (the application or burning of herbs on or near body surfac... Read More

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient practice, having been used in Asia for more than 2,000 years.

TCM is a comprehensive system comprised of a range of traditional therapies including, but not limited to: acupuncture or acupressure (the use of needles or pressure to stimulate therapeutic points on the body), moxibustion (the application or burning of herbs on or near body surfaces), cupping (the application of suction cups to body surfaces), guasha (the use of a soft tissue tool on the body), tuina (Chinese massage), herbal medicine (the use of teas, powders, pills etc.), diet therapy, tai qi and qi gong (Chinese exercise therapy).

Greetings Courtenay and Comox Valley Beings! I feel extremely grateful for the warm welcome from your beautiful and friendly town and find myself feeling wonderfully settled in.

Here’s a bit about me…

I realized a strong desire to study the human mind and body early in life, and earned credentials as a Social Service Worker, Holistic Nutritionist and Shiatsu/Tuina Practitioner. This Education and experience inspired interest and learning in treating complicated health conditions. I made the big decision for a move to Victoria, BC to study and intern at the intensive 4-5-year TCM program and am so grateful for that choice. I currently am in good standing with The CTCMA as a Registered Acupuncturist.

My approach to treatment is focused and gentle. I believe in considering the uniqueness of each individual and helping clients feel empowered toward a healthy and balanced life. My passion and respect for Acupuncture traditions continues to grow as I evolve in my practice. I recently completed 150 hours of advanced training Japanese Acupuncture (Kiiko Matsumoto/Nagano Style). This style of treatment uses shallow insertions and specific palpation areas to gain instant feedback from clients to help diagnose and treat a large array of health issues. Currently, my treatments blend the techniques from both traditions. A typical session with me may include a combination of Palpation and Shallow Needle Insertion, Auricular (Ear) Acupuncture, Acu-tonics, Okyu Moxa, Cupping (I love cupping ), Gua sha, Tuina + Shiatsu Acupressure and/or TCM nutrition/Shi Liao style.


I have had the amazing opportunity to grow a thriving practice in Victoria BC for the past 7 years and worked at some of the highest regarded Multi-disciplined clinics throughout the city. (including GoodLife Fitness/Wellness in Vic West, Absolute Therapy in Oak Bay and most recently at Geometry Integrated Health in downtown Victoria). I enjoy working with many other practitioners and modalities and always happy to help clients find the right fit/modality for their health needs. I am very passionate about bringing the many benefits of Acupuncture out into the community beyond my clinical work. Over the past 3 years I have had the pleasure to work alongside community programs for Addictions Recovery using NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association) protocols and I continue to support, study and work with Acupuncturist without Borders (AWB). I feel honoured to be setting up a new practice here in downtown Courtenay and planting some healthy roots throughout the Comox Valley Community.

Place of Education:

Portland - Oregon College of Oriental Medicine (ongoing Kiiko Matsumoto - Japanese style Acupuncture Diploma program with Turning Point) Victoria, BC - Pacific Rim College, Canadian College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Toronto, ON - Shiatsu School of Canada London, ON - Fanshawe College Registered Acupuncturist since 2015

Training & Techniques:

Japanese Style Acupuncture, Okyu (thread style Moxabustion), Acu-tonics, Cupping, Gua Sha Tuina and Shiatsu Acupressure, Nutrition & Diet Therapy, Trauma Healing, NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association), Acu-tonics

Professional Interests:

Stress and Pain Reduction, Mental and Emotional Imbalances, Post Traumatic Stress, Addiction Recovery, Digestive Disorders, Autoimmune Disorders, Endocrine (Hormonal) Health, Pre and Post-natal Care.

Greetings Courtenay and Comox Valley Beings! I feel extremely grateful for the warm welcome from ... Read More

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